Joseph Avenue Arts and Culture Alliance

Contact Us

We are looking for like-minded individuals who are interested in supporting our efforts with their time, finances, or influence. Please use this form to get in touch. 


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In the performing arts, that word describes a story brought back to life for a new generation. The same is true of Rochester’s historic Joseph Avenue neighborhood, with its own revival gaining steam. You can be part of it—as an artist, an audience, or a benefactor—by supporting the Joseph Avenue Arts and Culture Alliance.

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A fresh vision.

Artistic expression crosses barriers of language, heritage, and economics. It creates opportunities. It builds civic pride. And, street by street, art revives hope. That’s why we formed our non-profit group in 2014. To open doors to the arts for the local neighborhood and beyond.


A restored centerpiece.

The Center for the Performing and Visual Arts will open in a renovated landmark, the former Congregation B'Nai Israel synagogue. It’s a big plan. So, we need your help to make it real.

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A lively calendar.

While we’re busy preparing a new space, you don’t have to wait to experience concerts and shows. We’re making things happen in the neighborhood every day. See what’s on the calendar.